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Water Freedom System

Report: The World’s ‘Insurmountable’ Water Crisis

Report: The World’s ‘Insurmountable’ Water Crisis

The moment our clean, and unpolluted water level drops. It will become insufficient to meet our society’s demand. 

This is our hint that the water crisis has begun.

Crisis in water is a global phenomenon. We hardly recognize the threat because of poor information dissemination.

But, people in developing countries struggle with the scarcity of water every day. 

A strong manifestation of this is the lack of access to clean water and water pollution.

Most people have undervalued water. Most nations do not take this problem on a serious note.

In case we will not heed our nature’s call and these problems will remain unnoticed. 

An insurmountable water crisis will be prevalent in the coming years.

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Factors Contributing to Wastage of Water


1. Overpopulation Increases the Demand for Water.

Population growth leads to an increase in demand for water. 

We cannot live without water. 

An average human being needs about eighty (80) to one hundred (100) gallons of water daily.

Based on studies, the current rate of increase will lead to insufficiency of water supply by 2030. 

This data shows a forty percent (40%) gap between our need for freshwater and the available supply.

With the surging impact of climate change, we can expect the worse when it comes to drinking water.


2. Excessive Amount of Water Usage in:

a. Generating Energy; 

In generating power or electricity, nuclear or coal power plants use water. Up to forty percent (40%) of its water consumption is due to its cooling cycles. 

This is also true in countries that generate electricity through thermoelectric power plants. They use a large quantity of water for thermoelectric cooling. 

As an offshoot, a severe water shortage is bound to happen. To avoid a crisis, we must reduce these water-intensive productions of electricity. 

Both water and energy are necessary for our survival. But the fact is that water is essential for us to live. 

Electricity is not indispensable for our survival. It is here for us to live in convenience and comfort.

We can resort to other means of generating power. Studies show that solar and wind energy systems are good alternatives. 

Both systems do not need cooling cycles to function well.

Hence, there will be a reduction or elimination of wastage due to energy production. 

b. Mining Industries; and,

By nature, mining can consume a considerable amount of water. In the process, it may drain both surface water and groundwater sources.

Groundwater extractions of mines damages not only the area of the mine site. 

The impacts of drilling and withdrawing groundwater may affect even surrounding establishments.

Due to this, when a mine is in operation, nearby bodies of water may become polluted. 

Mining can also affect freshwater when processing ore. It can lead to both heavy metal and chemical contamination of water.

Apart from this, the waste rock it dumps is hazardous to our health.

It contains sulfides, heavy metals, and contaminants that may penetrate our water pipes.

As a consequence, poor quality water reaches our homes. Through this, we may ingest heavy metal substances or toxic chemicals.

We must discourage activities that lead to irreparable damage to the environment. 

It is best if we will adopt measures that can ensure sustainable development. 

The mining industry opts to invest in desalination plants and this can be a good option. This will leave us with the exclusive use of freshwater for personal consumption.

c. Agriculture.

Due to poor water management, our lowly farmers consume much of the entire world’s water. 

Researches show that we are wasting large quantities of water during irrigation.

It is due to the evaporation of water during the dry or summer season or because of leaks from distribution. 

More often irrigation system consumes more water than our reserves. The impending effect of this irrigation practice is water depletion. 

Our farmers might end up consuming more than what we have reserved for the entire population.

To resolve this problem and ease the burden of our farmers we must adopt modern innovations.

With proper funding, we can begin with a renewed distribution channel. This will prevent leaks to make sure of the efficient use of water.

The drip irrigation system is also a good thing. It allows a slow release of water to the roots of plants which can avoid wastage due to evaporation.

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3. Pumping out Irreplaceable Groundwater. 

Studies reveal that our source of freshwater is only three percent (3%) of the entire world’s reservoir. 

Ninety-seven percent (97%) makes up the seas and oceans. 

Seventy percent (70%) of the freshwater is in the ice caps and glaciers. 

While only one percent (1%) is in the rivers, lakes, and surface waters. 

The rest, which is twenty-nine percent (29%) reflects the volume of our groundwater. 

Fossil water or ancient deposits underground are difficult to replace.

Due to the shortage of water in some parts of the world, people have resorted to pumping out these deposits. 

Farmers began to use groundwater for irrigation especially during drought.

While other people use aquifer to reach the groundwater for personal or domestic use. 

Without proper regulation, we could be using our reserves without replenishing them. If this continues, we will end up with groundwater depletion.

We must stop the drilling. It will be hard for us to replenish the water underground. But we can do something to stop its depletion and allow it to recover.

To avoid a water crisis, we must prevent the taking of groundwater and the use of aquifers.


4. Ignorance and Apathy of the People.

The scarcity of water and the impending water crisis is a battle we must fight for as a community. 

Even if is true that water is renewable, let us keep in mind that it is also finite. To halt the possible water crisis, we must take action.

Let us increase public awareness and encourage people to conserve water. Anyway, it is our concomitant duty to protect our resources. 

It is also our responsibility to secure blessings of water for future generations.

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Top 5 Ways to Purify Water 

Top 5 Ways to Purify Water 

Waterborne diseases can be fatal. The World Health Organization confirms that about 3.4 million die every year due to impure water. 

When we drink contaminated water, bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens enter our bodies. These tiny organisms are responsible for various illnesses. 

Purified water no longer contains these harmful contaminants. 

After going through the process of removing impurities, the water becomes potable. 

There are several ways to purify water. These methods involve the use of chemicals, heat, or pressure. 

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The top five (5) effective means in purifying water include; 

  1. Boiling;
  2. Filtration;
  3. Distillation;
  4. Chlorination; and,
  5. Reversed osmosis.



The easiest, safest, and cheapest way to purify water. This manner requires you to use a clean or disinfected container. Make sure that your container can withstand heat.

If your water appears to be cloudy or muddy, allow the particles to sit at the bottom of the container first. Filter it with clean cloth or coffee filter before boiling.

When heating the water, you will need a thermometer to check the temperature. In case it is not available, take notice of the bubbles. 

The appearance of small bubbles shows that the water is boiling. 

Remember that the boiling point of water is one hundred degrees Celsius (100°C). Allow the water to boil and continue this for one to three minutes more.

After this, keep the water covered and let it cool until it is bearable to drink.

For people living in places with higher altitudes, it is best to lengthen the boiling period. Scientific studies show that water boils faster in higher places.

The longer the boiling period, the safer and cleaner your water becomes. 

In general, boiling can remove bacteria, parasites, and viruses present in water. 



Filtration is a healthy, convenient, and portable means of purifying water. It uses both chemical and physical procedures in cleansing the water. 

This method reduces both large and small particles in the water. It can clean water without affecting its mineral contents. Thus, making it a healthier option. 

The process utilizes chemical absorption to remove the hazardous compounds present in water. It uses activated carbon and charcoal to filter the contaminated water passes through.

Science tells us that, small particles and tiny organisms in water stick and stay in the filter. The water that comes out of the filter is clean and safe to consume. 

But filtration cannot kill viruses. It can only remove heavy metal particles, large parasites, and bacteria. 

Water filters are available in different sizes. There are filters designed for faucets, pitchers, and even refrigerators.



Distillation is a process of purifying that makes use of heat to collect clean and pure water out of vapor. 

Water boils ahead of all other water contaminants based on studies. 

When the water reaches a boiling point, it vaporizes and changes into a gas. 

It leaves all its contaminants and small particles as it evaporates. 

Through condensation, we liquify water vapor and change it back to its liquid state. This liquid is now safe to drink. 

In this process, you will be able to collect water in its cleanest state. All impurities are gone, but unfortunately, it also removes all the minerals in the water. 

Distillation is an effective way to kill germs and bacteria. It also prevents the intake of salts, mercury, lead, and other hazardous contaminants. 

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This method of purifying water requires a thorough treatment process. Chlorination can use either liquid chlorine or chlorine tablets.

In purifying water for drinking, it is necessary to use chlorine tablets. Make sure that the water is over (21°C,) because chlorine tablets dissolve in heated water.

Chlorine tablets can kill bacteria and viruses. But it is not effective against Cryptosporidium.

It is likewise effective against Giardia but you have to use it together with a filter.

Superchlorination is best in cleaning swimming pools. Here, you will have to use a huge amount of liquid chlorine to sanitize the water.


Reverse Osmosis

Reverse Osmosis is a water treatment that removes contaminants by using pressure. It forces water molecules to go through a membrane to filter harmful content.

This membrane is semi-permeable. It means to say that it has very tiny holes that can block small particles. It only allows smaller molecules to pass, like the size of water molecules.

It is the same with filtration, yet, applying pressure is important in reverse osmosis. 

Filtering and flushing out contaminants make the water clean and safe to drink.

When you use reverse osmosis, you can be sure that your water will be free from parasites or pathogens.

The common contaminants removed are Giardia, Cryptosporidium, other viruses, and bacteria.

Reverse osmosis can also remove heavy metals in the water like that of mercury and lead.

Industrialization is part of human development. As we attempt to uplift our way of living, we have made crucial sacrifices. 

Our biggest mistake is when we gave up our clean water for comfort.

Our surface waters used to be clean and pristine. We had the luxury of drinking fresh, pure, and safe water with all its beneficial mineral contents.

But now, it is too late to avoid water pollution. The damage to our sources of water appears to have become grave and irreparable.

Reality says purification is now the way of life. So, quench your thirst with purified water.

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7 Big Reasons Why Water Costs are Rising Worldwide

7 Big Reasons Why Water Costs are Rising Worldwide

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) suggests lower costs of water. The water expenses of every household must be less than three percent (3%) of their income.

The rate of water has increased in recent years. Most households in developing countries are now spending 50% of their income on water.

Studies show that the escalating cost of water worldwide is due to various reasons. The seven big reasons are as follows:
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1. Environmental Changes

Global warming can lead to either severe drought or stronger frequent storms.

Warmer days yield higher precipitation or reduced evapotranspiration.

The melting of polar ice caps and warm ocean temperatures can also make the sea level rise.

On both occasions, the supply of water is enough, especially for agricultural purposes.

The cost of water may be lower at this period since water is abundant.

The need for water increases as soon as the season of drought takes place. This is when the value of water doubles.

The increase in Earth’s temperature leads to heatwaves, severe wildfires, and death.

These situations can lead to the contamination of our water sources.

Natural water sources suffering from pollution will diminish the supply of water.

When the shortage of water is widespread, the cost of water becomes higher.


2. Lack of Access to Clean and Safe Water

Despite the improvement of quality of life in most countries, inequalities still exist.

Extreme poverty prevents access to government-supported water facilities. This constrains people to buy water at a higher price.

It is common for ordinary people to consume water from nearby rivers, lakes, streams, and ponds. Considering water pollution, more and more people might choose to abandon this practice.

Surveys show that contaminated water is not appropriate for personal or domestic use.

In reality, access to clean and safe water is very slim for those who have less in life.

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3. Population Growth Leads to Surge in Demand

The continuous growth of the world’s population is inevitable. In the years to come, people will be living even in water-stressed places.

As a consequence, the demand for water may exceed what is available. The shortage will result in a higher valuation which reflects the worth of water in our society.

Due to overpopulation, we will have to consume water within limits. It will be necessary to adopt conservation measures to save and use water.

The shortage will affect pricing, especially as pollution impures our freshwater.

4. Upgrading Public Water Systems

Infrastructure projects repairing old water systems will need support from the government.

To have an efficient water system, a bigger monetary collection will be necessary.

This will help establish a structure that provides timely response to climate change.

To generate funding for the necessary upgrades will lead to an increase in water rates.


5. Adoption of Advanced Technological Measures

Over time, we have developed several means of resolving a water-shortage crisis.

Desalination procedure that promises to convert ocean water to freshwater actually works.

This process might entail sacrificing marine biodiversity and it is quite expensive.


6. Water Management

The right to water guarantees affordability. This entails the government to adopt strategies that can lower expenses on water.

Policies in water pricing often consider operational expenses in supplying water to consumers.

This means water rates must not only be enough to generate revenue. It must also cover all other expenses incurred from collection to distribution.

This will include the charges for water wastage or leakages.

Some localities show compassion for the most vulnerable citizens in their region. They choose to put in place a reduced water rate for low-income households.

Finally, certain economic conditions show that higher rates mean less available water supply.

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7. Changes in Accounting Practices

The cost of water may also increase due to the withdrawal of subsidy from the government.

A perfect example of this is the shift from federal funding to local utilities in the United States.

Shifting of the tax burden and the distribution of losses can affect water charges. Due to defaulting consumers, water utilities impose higher water charges.

Water costs may also rise if you are not aware of the importance of efficient use of water. Surcharges may help local utilities in discouraging excessive water consumption.

A decade from now, when confronted with the same problem, what do we do?

Scarcity in water and rising water costs are imminent.

The good thing about this is that we are aware of it now.

With great optimism, we can attempt to prevent water pollution.

We can mitigate the effects of climate change.

We can control population growth through proper family planning.

This not a dead end. If we want to prevent these things from happening, as always, we can.

Start by acknowledging the situation. In the end, finding the solution is easier for one who knows the problem.

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Top 10 Most Beautiful Freshwater Lakes

Top 10 Most Beautiful Freshwater Lakes

Lakes are bodies of water surrounded by land. They vary based on the nutrients they contain, the color of their water, and the kinds of fish that live in them.

Lake water comes from rain, streams, melting ice caps, and groundwater. Most of these lakes contain freshwater.

Freshwater lakes boast of pristine clear water. These are strategic for public parks since the surrounding land is fertile. 

In recent years, most improvements near lakes are for picnic groves and campsites. People find these places interesting to visit.

Nowadays, a glimpse of nature is one of the most effective ways to reduce stress. 

It also helps to take some time away from digital devices. Most especially, visiting these places give families and friends some quality time together. 

If you are in for a hike, or you want to chill and relax. Here are the top ten (10) most beautiful freshwater lakes to put in your bucket list.

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Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore

First in the list is the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. It lies in Michigan’s lower peninsula. This lake is famous for its camping grounds and dune. 

It was hailed as the most beautiful place in the United States way back in 2011. 

The "Sleeping Bear" is a name that came from an Indian legend. It tells a story about a mother bear that waited for her two cubs. 

The bears have escaped from a forest fire. 

They parted ways as they escape but the two cubs drowned in the lake. They became the North and South islands of Manitou.

The Sleeping Bear Dune is the spot where the mother bear waited for her cubs.


Lake Tahoe

This is one of the deepest lakes in the world. The Sierra Nevada mountain range embraces the lake with its clear cobalt blue water. 

Lake Tahoe is famous for its pine-scented ambiance.

This tourist attraction showcases the lake’s natural beauty and exciting mountain trails. In summer, it is a perfect place for swimming, sunbathing, and hiking. 

During the cold season, it changes to an amazing ski mecca. You will enjoy chilling in snowy winter with fun activities under lingering snowflakes.


Tettegouche State Park

Tettegouche means “meeting in place” in French. It is a state park in Minnesota where forests, rivers, and waterfalls are breath-taking. 

This is the best vacation spot to experience pure nature’s elegance. A great location to hang out with family and friends.

Most people visit here to experience listening to the waterfalls. Hiking, rock climbing, fishing in rivers and camping are enjoyable too. 

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Emerald Lake

Emerald Lake is the jewel of the Canadian Rocks. This lake with blue and turquoise water is at the Yoho National Park in Colorado.

Peaceful and calm. This lake depicts of tranquility amidst the Rocky Mountains surrounding it. 

If fortunate, you may experience amazing solar storms at night. This is one good place to catch a sight of the aurora borealis dancing in the sky.


Crater Lake

The deepest lake in the United States is in South-Central Oregon. It is formed in the shell of a collapsed volcano.

People who visit Crater Lake are usually staying for a boat cruise, hiking, and fishing. With a very cold temperature, swimming is not a fun thing to do.

A quick dip in the caldera is a challenge that most visitors take since the water in this lake is very cold.


Bottomless Lakes

Bottomless Lakes are waters of mystery. 

A lot of stories circulate like the legend of the cowboys and the giant turtle monster.

Both relate to these nine lakes of the New Mexico State Park. 

Its famous name is a misnomer. Officials of the park clarified that the lakes are mere sinkholes. 

The shallowest lake is at 18ft. deep and the deepest at 90ft.

The Bottomless Lakes are home to underwater plants. The plants are of a dark shade color which gives the appearance of depth.

It is a great place to visit if you are fond of scuba diving, camping out, and horseback riding.

Swimming and motorized boats are not encouraged in most of the lakes. But you may enjoy kayaking and paddling your canoe in the still waters.


Lake Crescent

Lake Crescent is a deep lake situated in Olympic National Park and Forest, in Washington.

Its sapphire-colored water is a soothing scenery.

The park exudes a nostalgic feeling. This is especially because it has gone through very few developments. 

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Flathead Lake in Montana

Flathead Lake is the former “Salish Lake,” a term derived from a local tribe. It is the largest freshwater lake in Mississippi. 

It is can hold about 200-square miles of freshwater. 

Locals and tourists enjoy various fun water activities with it. These outdoor recreations include fishing, boating, and swimming.

Its vast public lands are also ideal for camping and picnic. Hiking trails are also pleasant because of the picturesque view of Flathead Lake.


Pyramid Lake

The Pyramid Lake can in California, Los Angeles, and Los Padres National Forests. It is a great camping and swimming attraction. 

It flaunts its clean and pristine water which is best for water-ski and boat rides. Be mindful that there is a cap on the number of boats that can sail at once.

With strict enforcement of rules, you can be sure that you will be safe as you visit this lake. 


Norris Lake

Another great destination in the list is the Norris Lake of Tennessee. 

This lake is the twin of the Norris dam built in the mid-1930s.

It has beautiful rock formations which are sandstone and limestone. The lake is ideal for boat-rides, fishing, snorkeling, and water-skiing.

Norris Lake is one of the clearest and cleanest lakes in the Southeast.

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