Welcome to the Water Freedom System Affiliate Program

Join The Water Freedom System Affiliate Program (And Claim 90% Commissions!)

The earnings that affiliates are making from this hot new program are phenomenal.
AND… With this being such a high quality product, the overall refund rate is under 6%!

Contact Us

You may find the vast majority of common questions and their answers will be right here! Please be aware that if you do submit a question then it may take 24-48 hours for us to get back to you.

Thank you in advance!

Please do not hesitate to contact us! Reach out to our Affiliate Manager, Andrew Rusbatch, at any time for all your questions, and he'll get back to you ASAP.
Andrew Rusbatch
Email: andrew@unicapublications.com, affiliates@waterfreedomaffiliates.com
Skype: andrew.rusbatch
If you would like a super-quick answer to your inquiry, then please look through our FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS. You may find we already have the answer!